Welcome to VxTechnology Demos
VxTechnology is a groundbreaking mobile app technology that allows visitors to perform advanced wayfinding and group management at any location, using full custom (non real scale) maps. For example, VxTechnology can support school group safety and management on a "Disneyland" brochure style map.
Wayfinding is dynamic, with VxTechnology showing the best path from wherever you are to you desired location (such as the nearest restroom or staff support personel). Obstacles, contruction, slope/steps, and other path considerations are taken into account.
Select any of the demos on the left to see a representation of what the app looks like in various scenarious
Morgan's Wonderland
Morgan's Wonderland is a universally accessible theme park in San Antonio, Texas. Important visitor features include the ability to keep groups/families together, and facility wayfinding.
- Click anywhere to move your avatar
- Select a park feature to highlight
- Click a demo buttons to step through a demo
Indianapolis Zoo
Zoos and other attractions are common destinations for families and school groups. In this example the staff not only can be located on the map when assistance is needed, but are also used to automatically support and locate wayward group members.
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990 Digital Street, New Forest Area, San Francisco, CA 10660