Dockweiler Beach, LA County, CA
VxTechnology Mobility Assistance App
- Keep people together with separation alerts. Great for families, schools, or groups.
- Easily show paths to locations like bathrooms, food, and facilities.
- User-friendly maps with real-time updates.
- Accessible paths for visitors with special needs.
- Users get up-to-date information such as closures, alerts, and announcements.
How to use the demo
- Click demo button to view incident notification example.
- Toggle POI buttons to show facilities.
- Click on map to show dynamic wayfinding.
- Drag map to pan, and scroll wheel to zoom.
- VxMap technology developed by EPage with support from the Toyota Mobility Foundation.
- Works with any type of map, including hand-drawn art.
- Separation alerts and location identification.
- Dynamic wayfinding and nearest route calculation.